The DITA Intellecutal Output 4 has been published and you can find it at this link.
IO4 consists of proper schemes and guidelines to guarantee a long lasting and formal mechanism among partners to:
a) Guarantee permanent update & maintenance of the visual tool
b) Extend the participation of training providers in the field of industry digital transformation
c) Establish cooperation mechanisms between mapped organizations thus extending the training opportunities offered to end users.

To deliver the IO4, the Project Partners have interviewed different Organizations like Erasmus National Agencies and National Contact Points, collecting relevant inputs and suggestions to optimize the project development. Furthermore, a cooperation framework of a common digital transformation training arena has been designed, thanks to the implementation of DITA cooperation mechanisms, which have been built during the project among training organizations registered in the Atlas platform.
Finally, the Report includes:
– A Twinning guide, illustrating how twinnings should be arranged to make the effective and to reach the planned goals
– A Twinning Report illustrating outcomes of the twinnings
– An Operational Scheme describing how connections among training facilities should work
– A Communication Manual
– A Brochure describing the Training Atlas as well as the role of the nodes
– A Sustainability Plan to connect the Atlas to the most relevant EU initiatives in the field of Digitizing Europe