On June 16th 2022, the DITA project was presented at the event called JOIINT LAB in Bergamo (Italy). It has been a great occasion to present the development of DITA ATLAS, how the platform works and the organizations with their digital training opportunities already registered.
JOIINT LAB has been jointly conceived by Intellimech, Kilometro Rosso, Confindustria Bergamo and the University of Bergamo in collaboration with IIT – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. It envisages the creation of a joint Laboratory at the Kilometro Rosso Innovation District, the basis for the implementation of a pole of excellence in research and training in the field of robotics and industrial automation.

Considering the specific target of digitization which characterizes the JOIINT LAB, the DITA project is a perfect opportunity to increase the possibility of training for SMEs, filling the gaps they currently face to find the skilled workforce required.
Finally, the participants were invited to register to the ATLAS platform and if they were interested in contacting the Consortium to start any possible cooperation mechanism.