In March 2021, the Skillman Alliance expanded with the entry of a new company into its network: NeroSuBianco Srl, which is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ DITA Project (Digital Industry Training Atlas), the online catalogue that aims at:

– Connecting complementary training schemes around Europe focused on Digital Transformation enabling technology & knowledge domains;

– Displaying the connections between different training programs and organizations and help users to find the programs that fit to their needs;

– Providing a mix of training opportunities in response to industrial sectors’ challenges; Increasing the access to upskilling and reskilling training opportunities for the European workforce of today and tomorrow.

Skillman was launched in 2014 and received the European Commission support in 2015 in the field of education and training. In its specific field of intervention it is currently became the largest EU multilateral network combining a solid knowledge of skills needs and training practices with a well organised systemic and sector-related information system.

It is a trasnational platform of centres of vocational excellence for the emerging skills in Advanced Manufacturing and it is addressed to introduce skills, competences and innovative curricula for the advanced manufacturing sector within the VET pathways.